Art Talk TV
I've been to a lot of art talks. Well that's not quite true. I have been to a lot of gallery openings and been immersed in the glitz and the wine. But to be honest, I have not followed up on a lot of the art talks. By comparison, it just seemed more relaxed, like a low-key intimate lecture on the musings of the artist rock star.
From the content of this WOMAN'S TONGUE art series I knew immediately that I needed an art talk to give space to the discussions that it would spark. There just seemed to be so much more to say...and I wanted it to be an art talk that I would not have missed.
So, the idea of a panel discussion became the route I decided to explore so that I could discuss these heavily political, cultural and socially confrontational pieces. I figured that above all, this art talk must be entertaining. All would be right with the world as long as there is a lively conversation in a room full of intellectual like-minded folk and of course, wine.
"Yes, so you see, the current issue of the day inspired this concept and I was compelled to paint it as an extension of my experience on this plane of existence."
The only problem I found in actually trying to make the panel idea work was that I don't like panels. It's on the opposite end of the few art talks I've attended. There's too much lack of intimacy. The table becomes a barrier and the conversations are seldom organic...and for the audience, that long table with five or so panelists could be waning on people watching and waiting to ask a question. Somewhere in the middle of this search I started to look at some talk shows. Their formats inspired me and I embraced the idea of an Art Talk, talk show.
"OooMG! Is this how it feels to be like Oprah??!!"
Now, I only had one day and two cameras to pull this off....and we all know necessity is the mother of I filmed the Art Talk in three segments, each with three separate wardrobe changes, three distinct guests chatting with me about the issues brought up in the artwork and a dedicated focus on the audience and their input.
Viola! I had in effect produced an entertaining Art Talk for people to see and participate....and fully equipped with poets and performers to top it off.
"You mean levitate like this, Ms. Campbell?"
My first guest was Terneille Burrows. Activist -politician who spoke her mind on heavy issues of molestation, and women in politics. She addressed two paintings : "Women, Politics, and Red Tape" and "Prey." Episode 1 is all about these two pieces and the discussion.
"That's Terneille Burrows in the center and next to my poster art at the protest."
Dr Ian Strachan dove head first into my two pieces about the two referendums. "Casinos for Them, Webshops for Us" showed an aspect of the gambling, I mean, opinion poll and "No On All Four-Cut off ya nose to spite ya face" addressed concepts surrounding the Gender Equality Constitutional Referendum....definitely not an opinion poll.
"We were really having a good time. Honest."
Veteran councilor of the Bahamas Crisis Center, Donna Nicolls is a powerhouse and took no prisoners when she dissected rape culture in The Bahamas. This is when it got real.
"When Ms. Donna breaks it's down for life."
Post-production took longer...much longer than the production itself. Who knew that going from 50 minutes to 27 minutes would take months? A word to the wise: When you find a good and efficient editor, lock them down and keep the key in that little bottom drawer in your nightstand because they are more precious than gold in this industry. good things come to those who wait....... here's a teaser:
"Special thanks to the Charitable Arts Foundation for supporting the Arts."
In the future...
Episode 2 with Dr. Ian Strachan.