Why Outreach? Here's the Backstory
My artistic roots were well planted the moment my first ever art teacher in the 10th grade said that I had a natural talent and pushed me to attend the the FinCo summer art workshop. For me, it was a life changing experience that started me on my artistic journey.
Many moons later, I became a parent of an "At-Risk" learner and I was eager
to find anyway I could to activate his inner genius. As life presented various opportunities to learn and grow, I discovered a new pedagogy by Harvard professor Dr. Doris Sommer who coined the term, Pre-Texts which instructs learners and teachers to "use art as the raw material for art-making". Intrigued, I eventually became the Bahamas representative or "weaver" for a group of teachers and professionals to gain certification in the Pre-Texts program. With this knowledge, I constructed an educational program in order to better supervise and lead a team of Pre-Texts graduates to run an afterschool art & reading program sponsored by the InterAmerican Bank (IDB) in 2016. It was also during this time that I used this experience to write my Master's Degree capstone paper;
“Can a Pre-Texts Arts methodology effectively contribute to alleviating
educational indicators associated with at-risk youth in The Bahamas?"
The formation of CHILDREN'S VOICES and each subsequent summer program has been in an effort to answer this question.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.